
Phoebe Kate Rosoff

Breakfast for Dinner

     Hello! My name is Phoebe, and I am a bartender, homesteader, web developer, and house plant enthusiast.
     I am currently on the journey of learning how to code and work with data. I particularly enjoy Python and Database Management. I recently completed a 24-week intensive course on data analytics and visualization. I would like to use these skills in combination with my degree in Environmental Science to improve the overall wellbeing of the planet and its inhabitants in some way.
     I am a skilled communicator and multitasker. I learned these traits after more than a decade working in the hospitality industry. I can convey information verbally and am a strong writer. If you would like to see some examples of my coding proficiency, click the menu links for display versions of my homework assignments, or visit my project pages or GitHub account. Thank you for stopping by!

Fun Facts
Parallel Parking
Visited 12 Countries
Indoor Plants
Never Changed Majors
Named Every Family Pet

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